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Mariposa Rescue Disk - Linux Rescue CD

Mariposa Rescue is a rescue system, that helps you to troubleshoot, back up your data when your PC doesn't boot anymore etc.

The system will start a console and log in as user "rescue". The password is "rescue" as well. By typing "startx" you can enter the Window Manager. We are using XFCE4.

We did configure the system in a way that for most commands it is not necessary to enter a password. However, for some, like mounting external file systems, you have to enter a password.

The easiest way to use it is to create a bootable usb stick with Ventoy (https://www.ventoy.net/), which is supported since version 2.x.

Mariposa boot process

Mariposa Rescue Disk will boot into a console.

Mariposa booting into console

Mariposa Rescue Disk comes with a lot of applications that serve to rescue your system:

Gparted, parted, testdisk, ext3grep, ext4magic, extundelete, foremost, fsarchiver, gddrescue, Magicrescue, array-info, autopsy, bruteforce-luks, chkrootkit, ddrescueview, ddrutility, disktype, dmraid, myrescue, safecopy, sleuthkit, smartmontools, tinysshd tomb vsftpd and many more.

Mariposa booting into GUI

Note that, if you want to use the XFCE GUI, the easiest way to change the keyboard setting is to use the IBUS preferences. To do so, right click on the keyboard language on the top right, select "Preferences" and add your keyboard language layout.

IBUS preferences

IBUS select Tagalog


To download the iso image of Mariposa Rescue Disk, please consult the corresponding page on SourceForge:
